Modelve - SaaS Asset Management Plan
3 Albert Coates Lane
Melbourne VIC Australia
+61 (0)3 9967 4828
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Modelve - SaaS Asset Management Plan
3 Albert Coates Lane
Melbourne VIC Australia
+61 (0)3 9967 4828
Learn More

Our Services

Our partners and inhouse experts collaborate
closely with you at every stage of your asset management journey

Demonstrated Experience

The following is a summary of the main service functions that Modelve specialises in, provided by our highly experienced staff in asset management practice. This background provides assurance that our services will be based on specialist engineering, financial and asset management judgement.

Key Deliverables Typical Content Experience of our Specialists Benefits

Asset Management Strategies and Asset Management Plans

Climate Centric Approach

Tailored content based on IPWEA International NAMS template and customized content where governments have advanced and mature requirements.

The Asset Management (AM) Plan template is automated from our Premium/Enterprise software subscriptions.

Each Plan is based on Customer Level of Service (CLoS) and Technical Level of Service (TLoS).

Our staff have completed over 1,000 papers and digital plans endorsed at Council and Community levels. Our specialists also facilitate the endorsement process at Council briefings in line with IP&R, Local Government Act regulations and other State-level mandates.

Our latest AMPs are all climate centric with scenarios of future maintenance, renewal, upgrade and retreat based on climate hazard modeling.

Specialist work resulting in multiple of $10m savings in Council's LTFP by optimizing the spending patterns via council-level engagement.

Achieves regulatory compliance for annual audits based on regulations.

In Australian rate-cap submissions, our specialists have been successful in supporting rate re-setting above LGCI.

In jurisdictions of North America, our specialists work with AMPs provides the basis for supporting credit rating and municipal bonds.

Asset Hand-over Life Cycle Plans

When Assets are handed over/gifted between different levels of Governments, eg State to Local, we provide Life Cycle Plans for those assets including scenarios of future funding needs to allow an informed hand-over dialogue.

Our staff have done over 50 government handovers ranging from $10M to $80M have been supported with engineering reports, life cycle plans and future funding scenarios to enable allocation of monies over a 20 year basis. Our specialists conduct the analysis, facilitate workshops and deliberate the conversations.

Councils receive additional grants or upgrade funding to be a non-discretionary long-term spend on agreed renewal and maintenance activities.

Asset Investment Needs Analysis

Leisure Centres, Aquatic Centres, new Libraries and other community facilities like Parks that require a serious injection of funds to modernize and/or relocate require LTFP scenarios to feed the feasibility studies. This niche area of Asset Investment Planning is provided as a one stop shop including dilapidation studies.

Very specialised engineers, technicians, modeling experts work with Government officers and CFOs in developing future funding scenarios.

Over $20B on new asset funding has been successfully supported by our specialists throughout their career in client business plans.

Asset Valuations – Fair Value

Across all infrastructure classes, we provide fully compliant valuations based on AASB 116/13/108/136 and all state based audit office requirements

End-to-end service from data validation to producing the audit pack and audit meetings and workshops.

Very specialized valuers, accountants and engineers with relevant qualifications required for such works.

Lowest risk of material mis-statement.

Achieves regulatory compliance for annual audits based on regulations.

Maturity Audits and Diagnostics

In all jurisdictions based on ISO55000 guidelines

Our facilitators have provided audits and supporting collateral on over 200 government agencies worldwide.

Including interview style diagnostics and then assessments using the ISO framework, Asset Management Accountability Framework or NAMS where appropriate.

Provides a meaningful action plan.

Brings the different departments together for forward planning.

Enables an Asset Management Strategy to be meaningful.

Deliberative Engagement

In all jurisdictions based on council's community engagement plan.

Our facilitators provide presentations and supporting collateral at community forums, precinct deliberations and also AM 101 workshops with elected members prior to community engagement.

Council ELT focus on community initiatives and council plan objectives, managing the consultation process which in itself is complex, whilst we provide the total support and subject matter for the long-term service level conversations in the forums.

Strategic Asset Management Training

AM 101 for Finance, Engineering, Planning, Operations – whole day program.

AM 101 for Elected Members – 2 hours program on levels of service and budgeting.

Condition Assessment: roads, paths, open space and facilities – 4 hours x 2 sessions content.

Specialists are experts in Austroads, NAMS practice notes PN1-15, IPWEA and ISO 55000 guidelines and IIMM.

In-house staff can update registers and perform in-year tasks saving tens of thousands of dollars on external consultants.

The Modelve Way

The seven step process to successful Asset Management that we can assist with

1. Service Alignment

What are the services we are going to provide to our community?

2. Criticality Alignment

Establish asset criticality based on customer needs

3. Service Levels

Establish service levels based on criticality, needs and future demand

4. R-Rule-Base

Refurb, Replace, Renew, Retreat

The Modelve Way

5. Deliberative Engagement

What-if scenarios, future options, community consultation, rate cap submission, municipal bonds, credit rating

6. Generate Asset Management Plan

Set out current position, target service level, financial plan, capital plan

7. Monitor and refine

Monitor and refine the plan regularly

Diagram showing more certainity for Capital Plan and less certainty for Treatment and Financial Strategy

Adapted from GFOA - rethinking strategy and long term budgeting

Customer service

Customer service

Seamless technical support of your asset investment planning tools

24/7 Support

via Knowledge Base and software fast-track resources. Severity 1 issues monitored and addressed 24/7.

Training and Assistance

Training is provided regularly via webinars. Full end-user support and assistance during business hours.

APIs and Updates

APIs and software regularly enhanced and patched for better performance, experience and security.


Next steps

Next steps

We're passionate about asset investment planning and would love the opportunity to work with you!

Industries we serve

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